一直沒去研究黃金獵犬有沒有迷你型這種品種, 我家的這隻好像就是, 不過這樣也好, 公寓式的房子總是委屈這樣的大狗(如果真的長的像一般正常的體形的話), 現在剛剛好, 剛滿七個月了, 坐下的高度還不到70公分
看圖就知道有多迷你 ( 狗語 : 是姐姐突變長太高啦)
狗小, 吃東西可不含糊, 什麼都咬 什麼都啃(報紙, 衛生紙特別是抽取式, 原子筆, 帳單, 塑膠袋, 電線, 零錢, 所有的木製品...), 有時候也不是真的要吃, 東西一叼了就跑, 只是我們怕吃了不能吃的東西, 牠就狂搖尾巴享受著被我們追著跑的樂趣
鳥瞰牠五體投地的醜態, 還真像隻長了毛的大壁虎 (新版的 agnes b.)
剛帶回家時小巧可愛 才這麼點大! 粉嫩的小肥手
雖說現在長的也不算大, 但要再像三個月前那樣抱著也沒那麼輕鬆了
回覆刪除唉 養狗方知麻煩多啊! 切莫衝動, 想清楚了再做, 不然會變成甜蜜的負擔喔
Finally I can "meet" your dog!! Golden Retriver is always my favorite. I've got your blog info from Michelle who's currently traveling to the UK - My second hometown! She's accompanying her husband for a biz trip there. Anyway, I envy her, I've always wanted to go back to the UK..My career as an English lecturer goes very smoothly. I'm now teaching 7days a week..no time to take a break. I'm also teaching Marketing Certificate class which taught in English without any Chinese. Again I prove myself - a urgle and old "big" woman is still valuable! The feedbacks from my students are extremely positive so that I'm rewarded "Cash" as an encouragment. Looks like I probably won't go back to "industry" soon. ET is a much better and funner job!
回覆刪除I sent the url of my blog to your hotmail but I think you didn't receive. Michelle is traveling? 真好命喔 I ENVY her too
回覆刪除My blog: http://tw.myblog.yahoo.com/judyenglish-judyenglish
回覆刪除If you have time, come to check!
Hi Mika,
回覆刪除How's everything? How's your milktea doing? Do you know that the "birdman" now is 殺很大?Amy got laid off and will be leaving by the end of June. There's another girl in Finance also being fired...Anyway, keep in touch!
birdman is back? 果然他耐不住寂寞喔